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The Dali Talks Podcast

I was invited to share my story of how I came to create Be Humanitarian

Positive Talk Radio

Sisters Amy and Nancy Harrington have been inspired by the new women’s movement and decided to use their skills as celebrity interviewers to tell a different kind of story through The Passionistas Project Show, the annual Power of Passionistas diversity, equity and inclusion summit and their monthly Passionistas Project Equality Exchange events. Where many media companies reserve their platform for the elite, Amy and Nancy are talking to amazing women who don’t often get an opportunity to share their stories and who are making a huge difference by choosing unique paths. From the founder of a successful ice cream company to a volcano scientist running for office to an artist who makes sculptures using melted down nuclear weapons, Amy and Nancy shine a light on the positive stories of women.

Casa De Confidence Podcast

How to be Humanitarian: The Importance of Collaboration and Service with Tobie Spears

"Leading With a Service Mindset. Bringing humanitarian philosophies to Corporate America"

Let’s Connect!